Aerolatte To-Go Frother
The Aerolatte To Go Frother comes in a suave matte black with a sophisticated travel case for a modern look. It makes frothy milk in under 20 seconds, running on 2 AA batteries.
The Aerolatte To Go Frother comes in a suave matte black with a sophisticated travel case for a modern look. It makes frothy milk in under 20 seconds, running on 2 AA batteries.
Seems to froth milk OK but if the milk is mixed in a porcelain cup, the device leaves a black mark on the bottom of the cup where the frother’s metal aerator comes in contact with the cup. Perhaps another material would work better?
thank you for your kindness and good kitchen articles
I've had two of these die in under a year. The first stopped working after only a few uses - and the cookery kindly replaced it for me. The replacement died in the same way in a little under a year.
Thank you for letting us know, we will reconsider whether this shoul stay in our collection!!
Return number 2 please, we are happy to refund you or provide a different one. Maybe the one from Grosche?
Thank you!
Liked the case it comes in but found the frother to be not as effective as the BODUM frother I was replacing. Very disappointed. Not to efficient.
Great portable frother, handy travel case, great for lattes, reasonably priced. Best one for longevity.